Actual Reminder is a classic desktop calendar for various types of users to plan and execute their tasks on time. Actual Reminder manages various activities with various features to remind activities like birthday, meeting, important event, holiday, daily, weekly events and many more. Once your region/city is selected, Actual Reminder also shows weather forecast for 10 days and amazing part is that you can also listen to the recent forecast of your city. Actual Reminder supports calendar of current and last years. Actual Reminder allows users to enter all their monthly or yearly events in to the calendar and take a full size print to stick on to wall. While Actual Reminder is a speaking alarm kind of a reminder, it also allows users to select sound file to be played while reminding about particular event. Actual Reminder also has facility to send auto birthday greetings to pre-set recipients based on the event configuration. Actual Reminder can also manage your computer shutdown or log off on pre-set time along with facility to push your event further by clicking on "Remind Later" button.